TweetDid you ever hear of self imposed penalties. All sports fans, but especially fans of the NCAA will know exactly what i am talking about. In short its what teams do to penalize themselves for infractions they know of, PRIOR to any action coming from the NCAA. Like U of M had to do several years back. LOL Well, that’s what this sissy slave is doing.
Day before yesterday, i decided to update my blog here. Out of the goodness of Her heart, and that’s one of the reasons tht i am totally in love with Goddess N, she had updated to a new version my blog. Those of you that know me, also know that my tech patience is very limited, as is my knowledge on some things tech, so i would use, in the absence of absolute necessity, the version of any software that i use for the next twenty years if i could get away with it. So to say i am somewhat resistant is to say that Goddess N is a little impatient. lol You get my point, and i was not totally down with the whole idea. Especially when i attempted to upload a pic and a whole plethera of pics rushed into my newly created “library.” All except the one i wanted to post.
All i wanted to do was to write a blog with a pic. What was normally a short task. Instead, after fooling around with this for an hour and a half i was getting nowhere. What i didn’t realize until later was that the library was sum linked to the blogs instead of separated pics for the blog posts themselves. So while i was fooling around i was deleting pics for the posts and leaving plank panels. And while i have fixed most of them, to the turn of another two or three hours so far, there are still several left to re-do. So if anyone runs across any before i fix them, sorry about that. What i didn’t realize, while all of this was happening, was that i was having servers problems with the whole web site. This made everything i was doing suspect, as the intermittent problems affected everything i was doing. VEry frustrating,for what was supposed to be a fifteen minute affair.
So in frustration i sent a text (accidentally really) to Goddess N saying i wished She had just left the thing alone. i say accidentally because i had written the text, decided to sit on it until i cooled down, then accidentally hit sent. She was not too pleased but kind of let that pass. Probably since She knows what a drama queen i am.
But i, on the other hand, have been feeling really bad–and stupid–about it all. Even my Wife said i was a dog! So i, after reflection, decided to sanction myself. Goddess N has had Her eye on a pair of what i will describe here as studden high heel pumps.
These shoes i found on Her Amazon Wish List posted on the hub to Her web presence, i am sure that She will like them because we have talked about them several times. And while i still debate the wisdom of giving me anything new to work with (LOL), i do not debate that my sissy hissyn krissy fit was uncalled for