Gifting Goddess Nikki for Christmas

Well, this weekend, and especially sunday, were really hectic. It is Christmas time after all, and this slave has to make sure that Goddess Nikki is properly cared for. Normally i would have had things more under control but the economy really sux and this held me back. Because of that Christmas may not be quite as elaborate as in past years. Thought i would have Friday evening and all day Saturday to catch up and finish, but some family obligations, which i had forgotten about kept me occupied.  So i didn’t have as much time as i thought i would have. But i think my Goddess will be okay with things. i know Her quite well by now, well enough to know that there are usually things that are simply a must as far as She is concerned, and simply have to be made available. As long as those things are taken care of the rest is sauce for the Goose so to speak. But i always live in fear of not being able to satisfy Her and still maintain my normal duties.

So i was scrambling around to get everything. Needed some extra things that She has on Her list, and things that Her personal slave knows She uses all the time and would appreciate having. Then there is the organizing and wrapping. The packing and sending it always  pressents its own sset of challenges and by the time the packages are in the mail, this sissy slave is exhausted.

Next, i am always on pins and needles hoping that the gifts are accecptable. One thing i really appreciate about Goddess Nikki is that She is realistic and doesn’t make things impossible for me. She did add something this season when She allowed me to send gifts to other family members since they all know about me.

It is always exciting to be able to send things to  my Goddess, but especially at Christmas and Her birthday. This year, as every year, krissy Claus does her to satisfy Her. It is such an incredible high when She is happy and approves of what i did!

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