my Lucky Day!

Today is my Lucky Day. Goddess Nikki told me so in the message She sent, about 10 days ago, informing me that i had earned a release. i was absolutely estatic imagining myself all wet and gooy. But then i read as to how my long lost key was going to be delivered to me. Here is Goddess N’s e-mail:

She gave me a whole laundry list of things to do after i had a key made by a locksmith from the copy of it She sent me in an attachment. Are You serious i thought. But then, since as She says This ain’t Her first Rodeo, i knew She was. So in a frenzy of be able to get free, i really started looking at this as a slave exercise proving my desire to Her. So first i blew up the key to a size that could be seen and i actually found a locksmith to do it. Here i am holding my key and unlocking my cage. Once i was free i couldn’t wait to humuliate myself on film for my Goddess.


All of the things that She had me do are posted in my Member’s Area for all to see. The cumming, the sucking, the cum eating. It’s all there for anyone who stops by and wants to take a look. my Goddess, of course, uses the website to amuse Herself and Her friends, by letting them see Her sissy in action. Letting them see my despertion, both to have an O, and please Her. Please honor my Goddess by witnessing all that She has me do..

In the meantime, i will keep buying Goddess Nikki’s beauty products, Her smokes, and pay other personal expenses in an effort to make Her life easier and possibly earn another release.

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