Tweeti haven’t heard from Goddess Nikki yet about Her receiving my key. And since i remain caged it’s a little bit worrysome. lol But in the meantime i thought that i would mention my vacation in Hawaii a few months back.
my Wife and i traveled there last year and had a real good time, of course. Who wouldn’t have a good time in Hawaii. Those who know me, know that i love coffee. Love different kinds, and while we were there we visited a coffee plantation. Got to see how they grow it and process it. Got some samples while i was there, and, of course, a coffee mug.
Thought that i would share a pic here of the mug as well as the tank top i bought with the Coffee Plantation logo. They had some really good blends there as one could imagine. And it was interesting. Also visitied other sites on Kawaii, the garden island, which is where we stayed.
While we were there i bought a cute little wrap-around tie skirt.\