Tweeti think i’m in love. i heard back from Goddess Nikki. Not only is She gorgeous, hot and a real Dominant Woman. The kind of Woman i have dreamed of meeting forever. But She is rational, safe and sane as people in the lifestyle say. She did actually understands that i couldn’t get to the foot party. She is realistic about things and how sometimes our vanilla lives interfere in what one would like to do. So She won’t dwell on this rather short noticed event.
Also, and maybe thats why Goddess N was willing to look past this, was the effort i put into trying to convince Her that i really did care, really wanted to serve and was upset that She was not pleased. She commented that She enjoyed my pics and was intrigued with my idea and attempt to amuse Her—and the effort i put in. i was thrilled, to say the least. i was perhaps able to turn a negative into a positive.