TweetMade it past the 800 mark. i realize that there are others that have way more. Goddess Nikki has around 10,000 followers. But i am content to be who i am, and i appreciate every one of them. In the meantime, however, i have been absent recently, from twitter, as well as this blog spot. The reason, of course, are my medical issues that continue to be problematic. Trying to work through everything. Several issues that kind of work counter to each other.
Goddess Nikki was complaining the other day, said She was “aggravated” about it all. As if i am not. lol Finally She said that i couldn’t even be krissy. So in an effort to let everyone know that i am still here, i took a few pics so that y’all can see that the reports of krissy’s demise are greatly exaggerated.
So although these pics may be a little tame by krissy’s standards, i am still trying to get back to speed. Hoping to be back here more often.