
Today is Tuesday and i just posted, what they call on Twitter, a #toesday clip. Recently, i received a Twitter comment from someone complementing me on my sexy feet. There’s things wrong with my looks, i know, i’m far from perfect, but my feet are. i’ve received all kinds of comments about my feet over the years. One Domme, Miss Betsy, described my feet as cute with the five descending toes. lol So if i sound proud of them, i am. When Goddess Nikki was displaying Her sissy once, one of Her viewers commented about how nice my feet were.

So, just as a lark actually, i decided to make a short video displaying my feet.

In this video, i whipper a suggestion that perhaps you would like to kiss and lick my feet. Maybe clean the bottoms which are a tad dirty. But i also show you, close up, my cute toes, with my now long nails, which are painted a deep dark cum fuck me red. Cum bye and take a look at my clips store!!

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